Episode 135

Published on:

14th Jul 2022

Introduction to Arabian Nights Summer Bites 2022

We kick off the 2022 Summer Bites with an introduction to Arabian Nights and the story I'll be narrating over the summer called The Ebony Horse.

Summer Bites are shorter episodes than our normal program without an intro or commentary from the host. I hope you enjoy and I'll be back with the regular program in the fall!

Music: Islamic Way by Serge Quadrado

Arabic Dawn by Zen Man

Website: www.darksoftlytalespodcast.com


Show artwork for Dark Softly Tales

About the Podcast

Dark Softly Tales
Dark Stories for Dark Hearts
Dark Softly Tales is a weekly podcast of horror, suspense and dark fantasy stories (mostly) written, produced and narrated by Mav Skye. The podcast will host dark fiction by guest authors and occasional interviews. Eventually, we will add additional weekly episode of true tales of the supernatural and fantastic.

About your host

Profile picture for Mav Skye

Mav Skye

Mav Skye is the narrator, host and producer of Dark Softly Tales podcast. She is the author of over twenty books, a hundred published short stories, and a single audio book. When Mav isn’t plotting world takeover, she’s snuggling with her sugar glider, Spooky, and trying to explain cannibalism to her (wanna be) house duck, Rainy Day, and why it isn’t proper to hunt birds with the cats. She is part of the Braving Shame movement and believes beauty lies in our imperfections.